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"Tony's Colorado Mule Deer Success"
Photo provided by: Tony Licata

Tony Licata writes, "I first saw this guy in the morning at about 8am. I was hunting the side of the mountain with a nice drainage below me, freezing my butt off when out of nowhere off to my left I hear loud crashing. It scared the crap out of me! As I looked over, all I saw was this huge muley mid air landing below me at about 70 yards into the drainage...he had no clue I was there. I swung my rifle around and got him in the scope...perfect broadside shot. As I was trying to steady myself in all the excitement, I moved my feet to get a better position and startled him. He turned to look and see what all the camotion was, and as soon as he saw me he turned and ran straight away from me. I didn't want to take a chance and shoot him in the rear and wound him, so I sat there in amazement watching this opportunity slip away, thinking that I just blew a once in a lifetime chance at a trophy mule deer. How in the world am I ever going to explain this to my buddies at camp? At this point, we hadn't seen a lot of animals so more than likely they would think I made it up.

As luck would have it, I saw him again the following night. I was hunting a different drainage and was tucked away in between some rocks. I turned to the right and was glassing the side of the mountain and there he stood, but he was 585 yards away and it was about 30 minutes before sun down. As I sat there and watched him in the binoculars, I was thinking there is no way I am going to get a shot at him. As soon as I move he is going to take off. I watched him for about 5 minutes, wishing I was closer. He hadn't moved at all, so I took the chance and grabbed my rifle. I ran across the top of the drainage hoping and praying he would stay put until I could get close enough. As you can see, he did. I was able to get close enough for the shot, and thanks to the bipod I had a steady rifle this time. He scored 183 unofficially. This is my first buck. I have hunted big game for many years, but primarily focused on elk. I am hooked on muleys now!"

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