Tom Ryle writes, "Here are some sheds from my 2006 spring antler hunts. These are all from Roosevelt Elk of the coastal mountains here in Oregon. My daughter, Abbey, was with me when I found the massive 7 point (141 6/8"), which made the day that much better, as we were both wet and tired (I had to pack her most places on my back). And she found her first elk shed - a small 5 pt. - just an hour earlier. This big typical crowned antler was actually dropped in 2005, but was covered in vegetation which preserved its color, hardness, and overall quality. It's my best Roosevelt antler to date. The other photo is from two other days afield. My partner and I found four match sets and about a dozen other 5 & 6 point sheds in the steep, brush-choked coastal mountains. Out here you don't glass from ridgetops and find white, sun bleached bones. Nor do you ride a cushy quad for miles on end in the sage collecting nice racks. Nope - it takes hours of biking logging roads, hiking steep muddy trails, and looking under thorny vegetation, all while getting pounded with NW rains. Simply, it's a real bitch. And you have to really work at it to find antlers of any size, age, or condition. This collection (attached) represents about the best anyone can even hope to do out here in true NW coastal Roosevelt elk country."

