Jason Benning, aka Browningrage, writes, "The first is a photo of my brother-in-law's buffalo hunt on the Rosebud, Lakota Sioux Reservation this past October. He had originally planned to harvest the 4-year old bull with his bow, but the wind was about 50 MPH that day and it made it impossible to take an accurate shot. He dropped the Buff with one shot with his 7mm and fulfilled his dream of taking such an animal as a member of the tribe. Pictured from left to right myself (Browningrage), my uncle, my brother-in-law, and my dad. The second photo is of the whitetail buck my brother-in-law harvested the day before his buffalo hunt during our trip to South Dakota. This buck was laying flat on his face in some knee high vegetation. We snuck up on him from behind, coming into the wind. The buck didn't know we were there until we were at about 12 yards. My brother-in-law shot him once with a 54 caliber Hawkin. The buck jumped and ran about 40 yards where he did an incredible front flip and died. This buck was not even close to the caliber of bucks we had been seeing and chasing, but the opportunity was too good and nobody in our family has ever killed a whitetail. At least is has a double eye guard. Pictured left to right- My dad, my brother-in-law, my uncle and me (Browningrage)."

