forum member, ColdBore, sent over these pics of the whitetail antlers he picked up.
ColdBore writes, "I had seen the buck last fall, and was determined to find his sheds. I started while snow was still on the ground, and nearly missed them because of it.
After looking for a few days, I took my father with me one day. He quickly found the right side, when he saw a couple inches of two tines sticking out of the snow in a bedding area. Unfortunately, he grabbed it out of the snow before I could get a picture of it as it lay.
We spent a couple hours looking for the other side, but no luck.
I went back the next day, and did a grid search of that area, but turned up nothing. The next day, I hit a section of woods on the other side of a road, and where I had actually seen the buck a couple times last fall.
I was walking, stopping, looking, walk some more, repeat. After a while, I noticed a stand of pines and thought it might be a good place to look. Nothing, but from the pines, I noticed a slight rise, and thought it would be a good spot for deer to bed.
As I walked around on the knoll, I stopped to look around. Before starting to move again, I glanced down to make sure there was nothing to trip over, and there, literally six inches in front of my boot, I could see about an inch of the ends of the tines of an antler. From the size, and the heavy gnarled brow tine, I knew immediately that I had found the match, before I even bent down to pick it up.
I stopped to take a picture of the tips of the tines, and my boot print from where I was standing when I found it.
Two days later, I grabbed my GPS and went back so that I could see how far apart the two sides were shed. Turns out that it was just about 450 yards.
Amazingly, when I walked to where the second shed was found, I found another antler, somewhat smaller, only 25 feet away! It had been covered in snow when I found the larger one. (It is the one laying points down in the leaves, with no snow)
Comparing it to the larger set, it is a mirror image, indicating that it was probably from an offspring of the bigger buck.
Attached are a few pictures to show the heaviness of this set. The bases are an honest two inches across. They have heavy beams and dark gnarly brow tines.
The tape measure shows that it would've scored in the 140" class, if my estimate of the spread is anywhere near close. Not too many 8 point whitetails will break the 140" mark.
What a great time finding this set, with my dad and I each picking up half, a couple days apart."






